Ibarmia ZVH45 L3000 Star

Machine Model: Ibarmia ZVH45 L3000 Star 

Year of Machine: 2021

Condition: (Used) Excellent

Price: £POA

Available: 1st July


Heidenhain Control

X axis travel longitudinal 3000mm

Y axis travel transversal 800mm

Z axis travel vertical 806mm

NC head tilting range +/- 105

Maximum swinging diameter 1100mm

4th axis prep

Table size 3000 x 850mm

12k max spindle speed

40 station tool change capacity


Further full specification and additional options available on application.



Make an enquiry >>>
or call us on:
(Tom) 07563 249721 or
(Harry) 07395 323365


Used Ibarmia ZVH45 L3000 Star 2021 machining centre is in excellent condition, in stock for sale. Available for viewings under power, enquire for further details or to arrange appointment to view machine.

Delivery, Siting & Commissioning are available with this machine at an additional cost.

'Contact us for the most up-to-date stock list.'